Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posting some samples for a possible gig.  Probably pull them down once I hear since this is more then I really want people to see as of yet.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Freaks! - Pg 1

Freaks! - Pg 2

Freaks! - Pg 9

A few colored page previews from, Freaks!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New work

Some new work and sketches.

Willow - Pencil on cardboard, colored digitally 
Spock - Colored pencil

draghkar - Pen sketch
Orc Shock Troop - Pencil

Buffy and Spike - Pencil on cardboard, touched up digitally

Friday, May 25, 2012

Freaks! page teasers.  Shouldn't be too long before I can get this thing live.

Monday, April 2, 2012


So, I went to ECCC this weekend!  It was,...  busy.  From what I was told it was the busiest the con has ever been.  Which is of course great, for the con.  what it came to for those who attended it was that there were brief moments of amazing sandwiched in between long stretches of waiting in line.  Like an Oreo cookie where the chocolate-y outsides have been replaced with saltines.  The awesome was totally worth it though.

I got to meet Wil Wheaton, at which point I gave him the picture you see below.  

The highlight of the day, however, was probably meeting and talking to Matthew Dow Smith, who does some amazing art for the Dr. Who comic.  He talked with Sara and I for at least an hour and gave me some of the most useful advice I've heard in a long while.  I was starting to really lose the joy in my art.  I still wanted to pursue my goals, but it had become a real grind...  all the time.  I knew there would be hurdles, and times when the art was more work then fun, so I assumed it was just a part of that.  Talking to him I realized that I had become focused so much on, "trying to get published", and "being good enough", and "making a living" that I had lost the joy.  There is only one thing I can control.  That is whether I'm doing what I love in the way that I love to do it.   I just need to do that.

So, I spent most of the day Sunday drawing.  Mostly sketch stuff, because despite some good progress elsewhere I want to improve my back ground elements.  I also did some re-working of Ape from Freaks (also due to Mr. Smith's advice).  Also a few doodles of Charlie Bones.

Friday, March 30, 2012

So, I would just like to say how much I miss my mac.  Don't get me wrong, doing things the old fashioned way, with a pencil and paper and such, has a certain visceral satisfaction.  However, Taking pictures of my work to post it is just so....  2002.  yech.

P.S.  I could use my scanner, but as my office has no actual purpose at said moment it is a disaster.